mercredi, octobre 9, 2024
Home Europe Police and Palestinian supporters clash in Amsterdam during 7 October commemorations

Police and Palestinian supporters clash in Amsterdam during 7 October commemorations

Cities across Europe held events to remember over 1200 Israelis who were killed last year on 7 October and those taken hostage by Hamas.


Police targeted a group of protesters in Amsterdam on Monday, as they marched through the city in support of Palestinians amid Israel’s now year-long military campaign on Gaza.

Protesters had gathered at Damrak, close to the Dutch capital’s better-known Dam Square, where a pro-Israeli gathering was taking place.

Police met the pro-Palestinian protesters as they attempted to approach Dam Square, who used batons to hit the people in the crowd, in an attempt to prevent them from advancing.

The gathering in the Dam Square was in commemoration of the 7 October Hamas attacks, which triggered Israel’s massive offensive on the Gaza Strip.

Cities Across Europe commemorate October 7 attacks

Numerous cities across Europe also held commemorative events on Monday to remember over 1200 Israelis who were killed last year on 7 October and those taken hostage by Hamas.

In Berlin, a memorial was held at the Chabad synagogue, where some of the attack’s survivors mourned loved ones who were killed, while also calling for continued efforts to release the remaining hostages.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attended a ceremony at Rome’s main synagogue, where she spoke of Israel’s right to defend itself and Israel’s rights to live safely within Israel’s borders. She insisted that international law was respected and lamented the devastation unleashed by Israeli forces in Gaza.

Meloni said Palestinians in Gaza had been “victims twice over: first of Hamas’ cynicism, which uses them as human shields, and then of Israeli military operations.”

In France, activists of the “Tous 7 Octobre” association hung posters of the faces of Hamas hostages on the streets of Paris.

Jean-David Ichay, President of the association said, « What’s important is to humanise these hostages, to keep them in the public eye. »

94 of a total of 251 hostages are still being held captive in Gaza.

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