samedi, juillet 27, 2024
Home Education


Implementation of “Astro do Sistema solar – no passado e no presente” (SοI-GR-574)

Author: Anastasia Kagka Introduction My name is Anastasia Kagka and I am a primary school teacher in a small village, on the island of...

Implementation of “What’s Your Dragon?”(SoI-GR-573)

Author Konstantina Tsirmpa, Teacher of Information Technology School Organization 1st Primary School of Tripoli, Greece Abstract/Introduction  Inspired by this learning scenario written by Ana Polombito Karamatić, I thought...

Implementation of « Symmetry in Mathematics » (Sol-GR-572)

Author: Katerina Spitsa Organisation: 2nd Experimental Model Kindergarten of Thessaloniki Abstract This is a Story of Implementation with the title “From Symmetry to Shapes”. The learning...

Implementation of ‘Femeile secolului XX și realizările lor’ (SOI-RO-571)

Author: Cristina Elena Voicu, Teacher of history & geography Organization/School: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Hulubești Introduction The activity was implemented for 8th grade Students (14-15 years...

Implementation of  »Yes, you can! » (SoI-GR-570)

Author: Eleni Tsangari Introduction I have implemented the scenario, Yes, you can! in my English class with students aged 13 to 14 who attend the...

Implementation of « Shakespeare with Europeana » (SoI-GR-569)

Author: Yiota Bali The learning scenario was implemented during the English lesson under the topic of “Famous People of the Past” found in the...

Implementation of “Travelling the World with Europeana”(SoI-GR-568)

Author: Elpida Semertzidou Content The scenario “Travelling with the World with Europeana” gave me the stimulus to introduce my students to the world of European...

Implementation of  “Sharing is caring: Let your migration story be heard”(SoI-GR-567)

Author: Dimitra Giagkoglou INTRODUCTION This story of implementation mainly focuses on raising students’ awareness of migration and refugees through the process of exploring real-life migration...