mercredi, décembre 4, 2024
Home Europe Switzerland and EU near agreement on cohesion payments, say diplomats

Switzerland and EU near agreement on cohesion payments, say diplomats

Ongoing negotiations between the EU and Switzerland are focused on the country’s contribution payments, which Switzerland makes to gain partial access to the EU’s internal market.


Switzerland and the EU are coming closer to reaching an agreement on how much the neutral country should contribute to access the EU’s internal market, top diplomats have said.

EU Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic met Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis in Bern on Wednesday as part of the ongoing negotiations. Together with their top diplomats, they met to review talks about the amount Switzerland is required to contribute as a cohesion payment to the EU.

Despite not being an EU Member State, Switzerland makes voluntary payments to EU cohesion funds as part of its broader bilateral relationship with the bloc. In return, the land-locked country gains partial access to the European internal market.

“We are on the last mile,” Foreign Minister Cassis said about the negotiations, adding that it was a matter of “joint discussion on how the final points can be clarified.” 

Both parties have the common goal of finalising negotiations by the end of the year, according to a European Commission spokesperson. 

The meeting took place at the Lohn estate near Bern, Switzerland, followed by a joint dinner. It was originally scheduled for the summer but was cancelled at the last minute, reportedly due to major differences in negotiating positions.

Local media reported earlier this month that Switzerland also wants further talks on immigration and electricity in the future.

Swiss politicians are seeking clarity from the EU on applying a safeguard clause to limit excessive immigration of workers from the EU, but neither Ignazio Cassis nor Maros Sefcovic has commented on the issue.

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